Today, I was so surprise to get the email about NUS accommodation offer. They told me due to someone who cancelled or did not accept the offer, there is a room in RVR for me to stay in Year 4! I was so happy and surprised that God still can work even if I am not in Singapore!
The even greater thing I got to know is that I actually checked the rate of the room and NUS has announced their rise of accommodation fee in this coming academic year from SGD75 to SGD90. BUT! When I checked the rate, RVR single still remains at SGD75!!!! I was so happy that God listened to my prayer and now I hope my friends Shawn, Tom and Joe could find a place to stay off-campus.
Thank God!
16 years ago
Congra,Franco! RVR is still 75 due to the old facility there.
yeah and i don't mind about that coz I have already get used to that! =)
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