Jun 25, 2010

Mount Fuji Climbing

School semesters have been very interesting and excited although I am in foreign environments with foreign languages. But nevertheless I really had good time here.

Weather is getting warmer and warmer now, from 7 degC on April to 30 degC now. It is more and more like Malaysia and Singapore now except for the humidity.

With the change of season, the Mount Fuji entrance will be opened soon and of course I will be going to climb it! =)
Morgan will be joining us for the climb and I will be having my first experience in the most famous mountain Mt. Fuji! I will be going on 9 July tentatively. So let's pray for good weather! I also hope to settle my camera before this.

All the best and hope I could get a fairly nice camera!

Jun 17, 2010

Re-offered to Stay at NUS for Year 4

Today, I was so surprise to get the email about NUS accommodation offer. They told me due to someone who cancelled or did not accept the offer, there is a room in RVR for me to stay in Year 4! I was so happy and surprised that God still can work even if I am not in Singapore! 

The even greater thing I got to know is that I actually checked the rate of the room and NUS has announced their rise of accommodation fee in this coming academic year from SGD75 to SGD90. BUT! When I checked the rate, RVR single still remains at SGD75!!!! I was so happy that God listened to my prayer and now I hope my friends Shawn, Tom and Joe could find a place to stay off-campus. 

Thank God!
